Preparing Dried Ingredients

What Are Dried Scallops?

What Are Dried Scallops? 0

Dried scallops, or conpoy are made from raw scallops that are preserved and treated. They are commonly used in soups, stews, sauces, and other dishes to give the dish a rich umami flavor.
  • Sophia Tsao
How to Rehydrate Fish Maw

How to Rehydrate Fish Maw 0

Step 1. Prior to preparation, fish maw requires soaking for several hours, typically overnight. It's essential to change the water periodically to eliminate any lingering fishy odor.
How To Rehydrate Dried Abalone

How To Rehydrate Dried Abalone 0

Step 1: Reconstitute dried abalone by soaking in water for 2 days, replace the water daily.
Step 2: Rinse and clean the grit. Trim away any dark bits. Blanch the abalone with ginger and shallot for 5 minutes.

How Do I Select Dried Bird's Nest?

How Do I Select Dried Bird's Nest? 0

Coveted for its rich proteins and minerals, taking bird's nest regularly helps stimulate the appetite, speed recovery from illness, invigorate the lungs...
How To Rehydrate Dried Sea Cucumber

How To Rehydrate Dried Sea Cucumber 0

Dried sea cucumber, one of the four seafood delicacies in Chinese cuisine, is prized for its many healing properties. It must be reconstituted and cleaned...