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Shu Zhu Ginseng Tea

石柱参 - 補氣養心茶

中國石柱参: 都市人经常受到失眠、慢性支气管炎等困扰,呼吸不畅顺、气虚气喘 ; 女士们生理期经痛、头晕作呕、经常感冒,石柱参补气补血,性质温和,经常服用,月内见效。

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Korean Ginseng Tea

高丽参 - 宁神养心茶

Korean Ginseng is a very precious tonic, generally Korean ginseng tea is made from 6-year-old ginseng. Korean ginseng is a distinctive type of ginseng, different from Chinese Ginseng and American Ginseng, which involved the steaming process with other herbs and then drying. The active ingredient, Ginsenoside人參皂甙, is greatly improved during the process of red ginseng.
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